Wednesday, June 1, 2011

When Life Throws You A Curve Ball...

Sometimes it seems that when you're on top of the world, life decides to throw you a curve ball.  You're at the top of your game, happier than a clam (but how happy is a clam?) and couldn't ask for more, when you're suddenly knocked off the top of the world.  That's where I'm at and here's why.

Yesterday I was driving home from work along the expressway in Milwaukee.  Traffic was slightly heavy, but then again, compared to Chicago's traffic, a little heavy doesn't last long enough to really bother you.  Then traffic slows down as I'm approaching downtown Milwaukee, then it comes to a stop.  I'm sitting there glancing around me and then I look in my rear view mirror and see an SUV going too fast and quickly approaching the rear end of my car.  My heart sinks and I'm completely helpless to the situation at hand.  With no where to go, I resign to the fact that I'm going to be a victim of a rear end collision.  Sure enough, the white SUV barrels into the rear end of my innocent car.  BAM!  Fortunately I didn't hit the car in front of me, but at that point I didn't care.  Quite shaken, but assessing any bodily damage to my body, I realize that I'm in tact.  Nothing obviously broken nor bleeding, just jolted.  I was dazed by it though.  Not quite sure what to do, then the assailant approachs my car and gives me his driver's license and insurance card.  Well, at least he knew he was guilty.  I do the same, then call the police. 

I was stunned, unable to move or even completely comprehend what has just happened.  I'm dazed and confused and not even enebriated.  Sober and scared.  I try to call my husband, but he doesn't answer his phone.  I just want to wake up and realize this is only a bad dream.  A nightmare.  But it clearly is very real.  I patiently wait for the police to arrive, which feels like a lifetime.  My assailant and I are blocking traffic and traffic is too heavy to pull over to the side of the road.  I wanted to scream and pull out his hair!  In a few long minutes the police finally arrive to assess the damage.  I was certain that my car was nearly totalled.  It felt like he rammed into my back seat and turned my life upside down.

The police escorted us off the expressway onto a crash investigation site.  We probably sat there for about 20 minutes while they did whatever it is they have to do.  I continued to try to contact my husband, but failed and my phone was almost out of juice.  What more could go wrong?  Nothing else did fortunately.  The police finished their report and off we went our separate ways.  But now I had to get back on the expressway.  My new nemisis.  Enemy number one.  My next phobia, highway driving.  It was an uneventful drive home.  Then I fell into my husband's arms and cried.  I was finally able to unwind and just let it out.

Why do such events happen to us, especially when we're at the top of the world?  Fate?  Or just because?  Obviously there is no clear cut answer.  It's just life.  But perhaps it's life's way of keeping us on solid ground.  Keeping our perspective in tact, or even improving it.  More or less I see life as a half full glass, unlike so many who see it half empty.  While I was filled with fear, anger and confusion, I was grateful that I wasn't seriously injured and that I would come home to a loving husband and concerned family and friends.  While I sit here with radiating pain in my neck, shoulders and back, I'm still happy and content, and all the more aware of how precious life really is, even when a curve ball is thrown my way.