Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sometimes I just wanna smack him!

My husband, that is.  Why?  Because he's too good to be true!  He knows I've been talking and dreaming about becoming a published writer.  He's been hearing this since we've been together (3 1/2 years), but I haven't put forth the needed effort to make it happen.  My reasons?  There are many, but none that really count or are excusable.  Recently I quit my job.  It was zapping the life out of me and stressing me out to a new limit.  It was just too much for me and my husband urged me to quit.  He supported my decision in doing so, even though I didn't have another job lined up.  He just wants me to be happy, and healthy.  And he said this is a great opportunity for me.  Now I'll have the time and the energy to write.  To sit down on a daily basis and give it my all working on magazine articles, my novel, my memoir and my blog.  No more excuses.  He wouldn't hear of them.  So everyday now he texts me to find out what I'm doing.  I could easily lie to him and tell him that I've written 50 pages in my novel, 2 blogs and I'm working on a magazine article.  He wouldn't know any better, would he?  But my conscience would!  I can't lie to him.  How can I expect him to support me when I'm lying to him.  So I don't.  I'll tell him that I don't feel good, which I didn't with serious back pain from a slipped disc, or I got too busy with working around the house or running errands or going on job interviews.  Then I got into a rut.  I wanted to write, but my mind was blank.  Frozen.  Stumped.  So I told him abou it and he found a solution for me.  As he always does.  He truly has my best interests at heart.

When I married him over two years ago it was for love, for his support, his friendship, great sex and companionship.  As time has passed that love has grown deeper and deeper as I discover more and more what a wonderful man I married.  He has given deep profound love a new meaning.  He has given new meaning to unconditional love. 

But maybe I shouldn't be sharing this information with you.  Maybe someone out there will get the crazy idea of stealing him away from me.  Nah!  We're so into each other, it's sickening.  It really is.

I got another text from him checking on me, and I told him that I'm writing, and I am.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, texting. It can be a wonderful tool, or it can annoy the fool out of us! Your husband sounds like a wonderful man and I'm so happy for the place you find your life to be.

    That being said, having time off from a regular job isn't always what it's cracked up to be in terms of creativity and writing! I feel your pain on that one. I'm a freelance technical writer, so I see both sides of that coin quite often. When I'm working a contract, there's not as much time for creative writing, and then when I have downtime and no onsite contracts, I find it challenging to sit and write on manuscripts. I, too, dream of being a published writer, and to some extent I'm accomplishing that with online e-zine bylines. I still dream of being a published author, both in fiction and non-fiction, so I promise to cheer you on with your dream of same! Go, girlie! :)

    Much love,

